The 9th race of the Echo Raceway Summer Series was held at CaddyShack RC Track on Sept 26, 2020. The location was changed as the owner of the Echo Raceway was not available to run the race at the series track this event.
About 10 racers came out with a variety of RCs to test and race on the dirt track. Classes ranged from 2wd/4wd buggy, a few 2wd/4wd SCT, some monster trucks, and even some racers brought 1/8 E-Buggies to test at the track.
We ran 2 and 4 wheel SCT together, 2 and 4 wheel Buggy together, Monster fun, and 1/8 E-Buggy. There was lots of practice time for the racers to practice and tune their cars, along with 1x 5 minute qualifier and 1x 5 minute race of each class.
The racers had a great day of racing! Thanks to Jeff McCurdy for hosing the race at his track!